Corporate romanian language courses

Romanian language courses for foreigners through the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Greek General language courses and courses in specialised fields: economic, technical, legal, medical, financial-banking, etc.

LinguaTranscript - Cursuri de limba romana

Romanian course structure for foreigners

Lingua TranScript offers Romanian language courses for foreigners through the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Greek. On request, Romanian language courses can also be organized for other languages.

The courses cover topics in both general and specialized fields such as: economic, medical, legal, technical, on the following levels according to the Common European Scale of Reference:

Romanian language - course for beginners, i.e. level A1
Romanian language - course for beginners plus, respectively A2 level
Romanian language - intermediate course, i.e. level B1
Romanian language - intermediate plus, i.e. level B2
Romanian language - advanced course, i.e. level C1
Romanian language - advanced course plus, respectively level C2

Romanian language courses for foreigners

  • Long-term day or evening courses - 2 sessions per week
  • Weekend courses
  • Intensive courses - 3-4 sessions per week


Depending on your free time we invite you to the Romanian Conversation Club on Fridays from 18:30 to 20:00 or Saturdays from 11:00 to 12:30! Minimum level A2 elementary. General discussion topics, current issues, board games or topics proposed by yourself!

Manuals used

The Lingua TranScript language teachers use the following textbooks:
  • The series of Romanian language textbooks for foreigners "Romanian language at first sight" from Compania publishing house:
    • “Romanian at first sight”
    • “Rumänisch auf den ersten Blick”
    • “Romeno a prima vista”
  • The manual "Puls. Manual de limba romana pentru străini" from Polirom publishing house.


In addition to these textbooks, there are worksheets, systematization sheets, audio CDs, videos, links, interactive programs and auxiliary materials of the teacher's choice.

Register for the Romanian language course

Fill in the form below and we will contact you later to confirm your registration for the course